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Complex Analysis

2 Entire functions

The number of zeroes of an entire function is related to the growth of the function.
  • Theorem 2.1 (Jensen’s Formula). Let \(f\) be holomorphic near the disk of radius \(R\), and nonzero at \(0\). Then if \(z_1,\dots , z_k\) are the zeros of \(f\), \(\log |f(0)| = \sum \log (\frac {|z_i|}{R}) + \frac {1}{2 \pi } \int _0^{2\pi } \log |f(Re^{i\theta })|d\theta \).

  • Proof. Note that if the formula holds for \(f,g\), then it holds for \(fg\). Thus we only need to show it for \(z-z_0\) where \(z_0\) lies in the disk, and non-vanishing holomorphic functions. For the latter, note that \(\log |f(z)|\) is the real part of the log of \(f\), so the formula follows from the mean value property. For \(f=z-z_0\), we have \(\frac {1}{2 \pi } \int \log |Re^{i\theta }-z_0|d\theta - \log R = \frac {1}{2 \pi } \int \log |e^{i\theta }-\frac {z_0}{R}|d\theta = \frac {1}{2 \pi } \int \log |1-\frac {z_0}{R}e^{i \theta }|d\theta \) by a change of variables \(\theta \to -\theta \), which by the mean value property is \(\real (\log (1-\frac {z_0}{R}z))|_{z = 0} = 0\).

Given a holomorphic function \(f\) not vanishing at \(0\), let \(n_f(r)\) be the number of zeros with modulus \(\leq R\). Then Jensen’s formula gives

  • Corollary 2.2. \(\int _0^R\frac {n_f(r)}{r}dr = \frac {1}{2 \pi }\int _0^{2\pi } \log |f(Re^{i \theta })|d\theta - \log |f(0)|\).

As an example, let \(f\) be an entire function of finite order \(\rho \), where \(\rho \) is the infimum of \(r\) such that \(|f(z)| \leq Ce^{A|z|^r}\).

  • Theorem 2.3. If \(f\) is of finite order \(\leq \rho \), then \(n_f(R) = O(|R|^\rho )\). Moreover, if \(z_k\) are the zeros, then \(\sum _{i}|z_k|^{-s}\) converges for \(s > \rho \).

  • Proof. WLOG, \(f(0) \neq 0\). Jensen’s formula gives \(n_f(R) \leq 2\int _R^{2R}\frac {n_f(r)}{r}dr \leq \frac {1}{\pi }\int \log |f(2Re^{i\theta })|d\theta - \log |f(0)| = O(|R|^\rho )\). This bound generally implies convergence of the series.

  • Lemma 2.4. Let \(F_i(z)\) be holomorphic functions on \(U\) such that \(|F_i(z)-1|\leq c_n\) for some summable sequence \(c_n\). Then \(F(z) = \prod _i F_i(z)\) converges uniformly to a holomorphic function on \(U\) that vanishes iff one of the \(F_i\) does. Moreover, if no \(F_i\) vanishes at a point \(p\), then \(\frac {F'(p)}{F(p)} = \sum _i \frac {F_i'(p)}{F_i(p)}\).

  • Proof. WLOG we can assume that \(|F_i(z)-1| \leq \frac {1}{2}\) as \(c_n\) is summable. Then we have \(F(z) = e^{\sum _i\log F_i(z)}\). By the power series for \(\log (1+z)\), \(\log F_i(z) \leq 2|F_i(z)-1| \leq 2c_n\), so the sum uniformly converges to a holomorphic function. Note in particular this shows that \(F(z)\) doesn’t vanish as it is the exponential of something finite. Moreover, \(\log (F)'(z) = \sum _i\log (F_i)'(z) = \sum _i \frac {F'}{F}(z)\).

We will now derive the product formula for \(\sin (z)\).

  • Lemma 2.5. \(\pi \cot (\pi z) = \sum _{k \in \ZZ }\frac {1}{z+k} = \frac {1}{z}+\sum _{n>0}\frac {2z}{z^2-n^2}\).

  • Proof. These can be characterized by Liouville’s theorem as the unique \(\ZZ \)-periodic meromorphic function bounded away from a simple pole at \(\ZZ \) of residue \(1\).

  • Proposition 2.6. \(\sin (\pi z) = \pi z \prod _1^\infty (1-\frac {z^2}{n^2})\).

  • Proof. Their logarithmic derivatives agree by the previous two lemmas, and so the two sides agree up to multiplication by a constant. By dividing by \(z\) and taking the limit as \(z \to 1\), we get \(1\) on both sides, so they are equal.

Given a sequence \(a_n \in \CC \) approaching \(\infty \), we can produce a function \(F\) vanishing exactly at the \(a_i\). WLOG, the \(a_i\) are nonzero. The function \(\prod (1-\frac {z}{a_i})\) may not converge, so we will have to correct for this. The idea is as follows: \((1-z) = e^{\log (1-z)} = e^{-\sum \frac {z^j}{j}}\). Thus \(E_k(z) = (1-z)e^{{\sum _1^k}\frac {z^j}{j}}\). for large \(k\) will not grow as fast, but will have the same zeros as \(E_0(z) = (1-z)\). The \(E_k(z)\) are called canonical factors.

  • Theorem 2.7 (Weierstrass). If \(a_i \neq 0\) tend to \(\infty \), \(\prod _iE_i(\frac {z}{a_i})\) is entire and has zeroes exactly at the \(a_i\).

  • Proof. For \(|z| \leq \frac {1}{2}\), \(|E_i(z)-1| = |e^{\sum _{k+1}^\infty \frac {z^j}{j}}-1|\). The sum is bounded above by \(c|z|^{k+1}\), so we get this is \(\leq c'|z^{k+1}|\). If we fix some \(r\), then in the ball of radius \(r\), eventually the \(\frac {z}{a_i}\) are within \(\frac {1}{2}\), so the product converges.

Any function \(f\) can be divided by a function constructed as above to get a non-vanishing entire function, which must be of the form \(e^{g(z)}\) for some entire \(g\). This can be refined for \(f\) of finite order \(\rho \).

  • Lemma 2.8. Let \(g\) be a holomorphic function such that \(\real g(z) \leq c|z|^s\) for values of \(|z|\) tending to \(\infty \). Then \(g\) is a polynomial of degree at most \(s\).

  • Proof. Let \(g(z) = \sum _i a_i z^i\). By Lemma 1.6, we have that \(a_n= \frac {1}{2 \pi R^n}\int _0^{2\pi } {g(Re^{i\theta })}{e^{-in\theta }}d\theta \). Conjugating the equation and adding for \(n\) and \(-n\) gives \(a_n= \frac {1}{\pi R^n}\int _0^{2\pi } {\real g(Re^{i\theta })}{e^{-in\theta }}d\theta \) for \(n>0\) and \(\real a_0 = \frac {1}{\pi }\int _0^{2\pi } {\real g(e^{i\theta })}d\theta \). Thus we have for \(n>s\), \(|a_n|= \frac {1}{\pi R^n}|\int _0^{2\pi } {\real g(Re^{i\theta })}{e^{-in\theta }}d\theta | = \frac {1}{\pi R^n}|\int _0^{2\pi } {\real (cR^s-g(Re^{i\theta }))}{e^{-in\theta }}d\theta | \) \(\leq 2CR^{s-n}-\real a_0 R^{-n} \to 0\) as \(R \to \infty \).

  • Theorem 2.9 (Hadamard factorization theorem). If \(f\) is a holomorphic function of finite order \(\rho \) and \(k = \floor \rho \), then \(f = e^P(z) z^m \prod _i E_k(\frac {z}{a_i})\), where \(P\) is a polynomial of degree \(\leq k\).

  • Proof. The product \(E(z) = z^m \prod _i E_k(\frac {z}{a_i})\) converges, where \(m\) is the order of the zero of \(f\), and \(a_i\) the other zeroes, as \(f\) is finite order, so \(|E_k(\frac z{a_i})-1|\) is bounded from above by \(c|\frac {z}{a_i}|^{k+1}\), and the series \(\frac {1}{|a_i|^{k+1}}\) converges. Thus \(\frac {f}{E}\) is an entire function with no zeroes, so is \(e^{g(z)}\) for some \(g\). If we can produce lower bounds on \(E\) for arbitrarily large \(|z|\), then by the lemma, \(g\) will have to be a polynomial. To do this, for \(\rho <s<k+1\), we would like to show that \(|\prod _k E_k(\frac {z}{a_n})| \geq e^{-C|z|^s}\) except maybe in the balls around each \(a_i\) of radius \(|a_i|^{-(k+1)}\). Then since \(R-\sum _{|a_i| \leq R} 2|a_i|^{-k+1} \to \infty \) as \(R \to \infty \), there are are arbitrarily large \(R\) such that when \(|z|=R\), it doesn’t intersect any of the balls, and the bound holds. This bound will then be good enough to show that \(g\) is a polynomial of the right degree.

    To obtain the bound, first obtain from the definition of \(E_k(z)\) that when \(|z| \leq \frac {1}{2}\), \(|E_k(z)| \geq e^{-c|z|^{k+1}}\) and \(|E_k(z)| \geq |1-z|e^{-c'|z|^{k}}\) if \(|z| \geq \frac {1}{2}\). Then split the product \(|\prod _k E_k(\frac {z}{a_n})|\) into the product when \(|a_n| \leq 2|z|\) and \(|a_n|>2|z|\). For the second product, we have \(\prod _n |E_k(\frac {z}{a_n})| \geq e^{-c|\sum _n\frac {|z|^{k+1}}{a_n^{k+1}}}\) \(\geq e^{-c''|z|^s|\sum _n{a_n^{-s}}} \geq e^{-c'''|z|^s|} \) as the sum converges. For the first product, \(\prod _n |E_k(\frac {z}{a_n})| \geq \prod |1-\frac {z}{a_n}| \prod e^{-c'|\frac {z}{a_n}|^k}\). The first term is \(\prod \frac {|a_n-z|}{|a_n|}\), which is \(\geq \prod \frac {1}{|a_i|^{k+2}} \geq e^{-(k+2)\log n_f(2|z|)\log (2|z|)}\), and applying Theorem 2.3, this is \(\geq e^{-C'|z|^{s+\ee }}\), where \(\ee >0\) is arbitrary. Note that if we had just chosen \(s\) a bit smaller, then \(s+\ee \) can be chosen to be the original real number we wanted. Finally for \(\prod e^{-c'|\frac {z}{a_n}|^k}\), note \(c'\sum |\frac {z}{a_n}|^k \leq C''|z|^s\sum \frac {1}{|a_n|^s}\), so that the overall bound \(|\prod _k E_k(\frac {z}{a_n})| \geq e^{-C|z|^s}\) holds outside the chosen balls.